Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Women's Ministry Wednesday - August 8

Small Groups - Corrections and Changes
The Nehemiah DVD series, led by Teresa Reynolds, starts tonight at 6:30, at Glenwood.
The sign-up sheets for all the Small Groups are located at the WM table in the main lobby at Hill Rd., and the main hallway at Glenwood.

The Clean Eating Small Group, is not the same thing as the seminar that was held last night. If you want to sign up for Eating Clean Small Group, you will need to notify Brandy ASAP. NOTE that this group is limited to 10 people. Contact Brandy at or 212-0535.
Our Woman of the Week this week shares a birthday with her daughter. Do you know who she is? Find out Friday at
Gibsontown Sock & Shoe Drive
New socks and shoes for children up to age 14 are needed. Monetary donations or gift cards are accepted as well.
Volunteers are needed to set up on Friday, Sept. 21st, for about 1 1/2 hours, and/or distribution on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 22nd.
Collection boxes are located at both Hill Rd. and Glenwood. You can bring them to the church offices during the week, or to Gibsontown, 1022 Dorothy Street, on Thursdays at either 11:00 AM or 5 PM. Contact Melissa Sherfey at, or 323-2187 for more information, or to volunteer.
Ladies Conference
Friday evening, August 24th, and Saturday morning, August 25th, in the SAC. We will be showing the DVD series by Priscilla Shirer, "Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted" Sign-up sheets are located at the WM table. There's no charge, but we need to know how many are coming in order to purchase enough food and drinks. Contact Susie Toomey, Child care will be provided for children birth to 4 years of age. There's no charge, but reservations are required and cancellations for child care must be made by Wednesday, the 22nd. To make a reservation for child care for one or both days, contact Pam Archer at or 292-9418.

Fit for the King 5K Race, 3K Walk, Kids' Run, and Kids' Dash
Registration is in full-swing for this event. You can register in the lobbies of either campus, via, or at
Non-participants in the races are welcome to attend. We need to know if you are coming, so Fire Crew Barbeque can prepare enough food for the post-race meal.
Contact Pam Archer at, or 292-9418, or call the church office at 323-2187.  Volunteer Sign-Up Sheets are located at both campuses.
Ladies Holiday Dinner
Saturday, November 17th, at MeadowView. We only have 9 tables left that do not have a hostess, so if you would like to be a table hostess, contact Pam Archer ASAP at or 292-9418. Tickets go on sale October 28th, and are $25.

Educational Opportunities at HRCIt's a great time for great classes at the Health Resources Center in August! Here are some of the highlights:
"Thyroid Troubles"- Fri, august 10, 12-1
"Fall Into New Make-up Colors and Shades"- Tues, August 14, 1-2
"Medication Management" (a pharmacist will be speaking on the impacts of timing of medication and the effects of food/drinks/sun exposure on medications)- Wed, August 15, 12-1
"Shoulder Problems"- Thurs, August 16, 12-1
"Train Your Brain: Dementia Prevention"- Mon. August 20 12-1
"Urinary Incontinence": Thurs, August 23 5-6

Please call 1-800-888-5551 to register!