Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sowing Seeds for Salvation

Royalty Free Stock Photography: Beautiful growing grass. Image: 2585657
You know those times in life where you work so hard on a project and then have to sit back and not see the benefits in the end?  Maybe you have coordinated an event, and didn't get to enjoy it.  Maybe you have been a backstage hand at a play, yet never gotten to watch. Nurses often work diligently caring for patients and then are off work and miss the outcome of the patients recovery - yet they had a hand in it.  Maybe you had a heart to heart conversation with your child when they seem to pay no attention.. but then later on you find out that they did heed your words of wisdom - you just didn't get to see it happen. We might talk to that person that God lays on our hearts and sometimes they receive Jesus their as their Savior, but at other times it seems to go unnoticed. Discipleship is very often this way.  Every conversation we have is planting a seed. For instance, we plant grass seeds in our lawn; we don't notice the amount of growth everyday, but you certainly see your effort when after a month passes and mowing is required everyday!

Mark 4:26-29 "And He was saying, ' The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and he goes to bed at night and gets up by the day, and the seed sprouts and grows- how, he himself does not know. The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head. But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come"

Has God ever led you to talk to that person at the grocery store, or at school to tell them about Him, and you felt it wouldn't do any good, so you didn't?

The sower in the parable represents us as we witness to the lost people, also taking care of those seemingly unnoticed tasks in life.
The earth represents God, how He is self sufficient and is the one to bring forth the fruit.
The harvest represents Salvation.

The parable Jesus spoke to His disciples teaches us that sometimes we don't see the fruit of our labor immediately, but if we do our part in planting the seed God Himself will grow it.

Maybe you have a loved one that you have reached out to and they seem to reject your words. Maybe its a coworker, friend, or neighbor. Just know that if you have done your part in planting the seeds, God will handle the rest in His time.

In the meantime, be persistent in prayer, that God draw them unto Himself.  All too often we have motivation and when others don't accept it, we tend to feel like its going nowhere. Two other parables Jesus spoke, The Parable of The Friend at Midnight (Luke 11:1-3)and The Parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8), both were spoken for us to be persistent in prayer. To teach us to pray with determination and purpose.

Persistent prayer demonstrates faith in God, while He may delay His answers He will act decisively. You can't save them, only Jesus can. Plant seeds.. wait for God to harvest.
~ submitted by Jeni Morelock