Thursday, February 28, 2013

Shower of Grace

Standing in the shower putting shampoo in my hair, I avoided sticking my whole face in the water so as not to get shampoo in my eyes.   Instead of letting the water wash over me, I hold my a head certain way to ensure that doesn't happen. At that moment, it hit me that too many times this is how we approach grace. We avoid water in the bath for different reasons, not wanting water in our eyes, ears, or especially if we have some type injury that can't get wet.  And when we deal with grace we treat it much the same; we allow it to wash over us in certain areas and others we avoid.
Hebrews 4:16 tells us to approach the throne of grace boldly or with confidence so that we may receive mercy and grace in time of need. Too many of us feel like grace is a one time measure given at salvation, or we refrain from letting it wash certain areas of our life, especially those areas that are injured - emotionally injured that is. Instead we convince ourselves that partial cleansing is enough, all because we fear getting ' shampoo in our eyes' so to speak.
The Bible tells us, many times, that grace is from God (2 Timothy 11:2), once we are saved He gives more grace (James 4:6), grace is made perfect in weakness and is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9), we are justified by grace (Romans 3:24), grace is abundant (1 Peter 1:2), we are to set our hope on grace (1 Peter 1:13), grace is abundant (Romans 5:17), grace is glorious (Ephesians 1:6), we are granted grace by faith (Romans 5:2), grace is surpassing (2 Corinthians 9:14), we excel in grace (2 Corinthians 8:7), grace enables (Acts 14:3), grace is promised or guaranteed (Romans 4:16), we are strengthened by grace (Hebrews 13:9), encouraged by grace (2 Thess, 2:16) we receive help in grace (Acts 18:27) grace is rich (Eph 2:7), its powerful (Acts 4:33) its given ( Eph. 3:7)
Grace is unmerited, unearned favor from God that affords joy, pleasure, and delight. As a born again believer in Jesus Christ it is readily available, but too often we avoid letting it refresh and cleanse us.
What area of your life today is God speaking to your heart about that you need to approach him boldly with? Allow God to wash you completely. As you stand in the shower, remind yourself that Gods grace is much like the pouring shower, you can have as much as you want and exactly where you want it.
The blood of Jesus set us free, to wash away our sin He offers grace in perfect measure.. we just have to reach out take His hand and receive it. Seek His throne boldly, let the grace of God be sufficient for you in all ways.
~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock