Friday, March 1, 2013

ISBC WOW! Woman of the Week March 1 ~ Lisa Davis

Hi! I’m Lisa Davis.  My family & I have been members of ISBC for almost 5yrs.  We moved back to the community 15yrs ago.  We started coming to ISBC after our oldest child had visited here a few times with his friend.  We loved it here from the start.

I am married to my wonderful hubbie of 23yrs, Scott. I tease him that I’m the best thing to ever happen to him; but, in reality I’m the lucky one – just don’t tell him.  He & I grew up in church together and were always buddies.  So when we started dating, I just referred to him as “my friend Scotti” until he asked me to marry him.  We were married 3months later – I didn’t want to give him a chance to change his mind.

We have 2 boys. Jared is a sophomore at Central and will be 16 in March.  Good thing my mother is a hairdresser because I think I’ll be visiting her more frequently for color treatments to cover all the grey I’ll get with all the new worries that go along with a teenage driver. Zane is a sixth grader at Holston. I think the proudest moments I have had with my boys is when they each accepted Jesus as their personal savior and followed in believer’s baptism. I think that is every Mom’s prayer answered for her children. We can do a lot for our kids, but that is the one thing they must do on their own.  And to see that happen was a blessing for me.

I went to Carson-Newman with our beloved pastor. Afterwards, I completed my Master’s degree at ETSU in nutrition. For the past 20yrs I’ve work at Bristol Regional Medical Center as a clinical dietitian in the ICU. My job allows me to truly know what is important in life, to be thankful for each day that God has given us and to especially be thankful for our health – it is truly a blessing.  Unfortunately, because of my job, I have the title from my kids as “the safety geek” – I guess there are worse things.

My most recent hobbies are running and triathlons. I’m slow as molasses but I love the challenge. I’ve met all kinds of interesting folks and some truly great friends who inspire and encourage me along the way.  Some of my most favorite races have been the family runs that my husband & I drag our boys to.  One of our latest ideas is a family marathon relay team for Scott’s birthday – so far, the idea is not going over so well.  We have until October to help the boys get used to the idea before we drag them to that as well J

~  Submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator