Monday, March 11, 2013

Healthy Hair


Luke 12:7

Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.

I have had several people ask me lately about hair health.  I am going to give you some tips on how to keep your hair healthy.  You know the first thing that I am going to say is...(drum roll) DIET.  It is important to remember that the condition of the hair and skin can be a good indication of the state of the body on the inside, so it is important address the body as a whole to improve hair and skin for the long term.
Before I give you tips below, I want to add that I only wash my hair every 3 days! That is right!  I had to train it.  You will tell me you can't do this, your hair is too greasy.  Well, guess what!?!?! Mine was too, and the reason is over shampooing.  I used to shampoo my hair every day for years.  If you shampoo daily, your hair says to you " oh you are drying me out, I will have to over produce oil to make me not so dry" so then you get an oily scalp daily and dry hair..and you are fighting with you hair.  It will take several months to train it back to what it should be.  I have gone through this training myself.  First, work with it to get yourself washing it every other day for a few weeks.  It will take a pony tail day every other day for the first two weeks.  A tip that helps is to rub baby powder on your scalp the mornings you don't shampoo and then blow it with a hairdryer.  I promise you can do it and get there!!
Also, be very careful of over brushing your hair.  I don't usually brush mine daily.  I run my fingers through it..I only brush it the days I wash it.  I do blow it around with the dryer and just run fingers through.  This really cuts down on styling and using a lot of products because my hair stays styled for 3 days.  Just a few touch ups on those mornings and I'm gone..yes seriously!!
I only use this brush when it's wet to keep from snapping off my's sold locally at Hairbenders on center street.  The Wet Hairbrush

1. Consume Enough Protein

Protein is essential for hair growth, so consuming enough protein can make sure that the body has the necessary building blocks for hair. Complete sources of protein like meats and fish are the most beneficial for hair growth and many meats also contain iron, which is another essential aspect of proper hair growth.
Foods like meats, fish, eggs, and especially bone broths are excellent for hair growth. These foods also contain necessary fats that help promote healthy hormones and healthy hair!

2. Get The Vitamins!

Some vitamins help promote hair growth- most notably: Vitamin C and Biotin. The body needs Vitamin C to produce collagen, which is necessary for healthy hair and skin. Vitamin C also helps with iron absorption, which promotes hair growth (plus it is an immune booster!). Since the body can’t manufacture Vitamin C, it is one vitamin that must be obtained from food or supplements. Foods like citrus, broccoli and spinach all contain Vitamin C.
Biotin (and other b-vitamins) can also promote faster and stronger hair growth, and it is also good for the skin. Biotin is a water soluble B-Vitamin that is also used in proper digestion of fats and sugars. Eggs, nuts, berries, fish and some vegetables all provide Biotin, though in small amounts, so sometimes a supplement can be helpful.  I take Biotin everyday.

3. Up the Gelatin

Gelatin is largely composed of the amino acids glycine and proline, which many people don’t consume in adequate amounts as they are found in the bones, fibrous tissues and organs of animals and as a population, we don’t consume these parts as much anymore. These amino acids are needed not only for proper skin, hair and nail growth, but for optimal immune function and weight regulation!
Glycine, which makes up about 1/3 of the amino acids in gelatin powder is anti-inflammatory and evidence is finding that it can help speed wound healing. Glycine in gelatin can also help improve sleep ease and quality.”
You can take a supplement of gelatin powder by mixing it in tea or making recipes from it.  Here are a couple of ideas..

Coconut Milk Smoothie

  • 8 ounces coconut milk
  • 1-2 tablespoons of almond butter or 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon Gelatin Powder
  • natural vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • Ice and additional coconut milk as needed to thin
[Important Note: This type of supplemental gelatin is NOT the same as Jello or similar brand products at the store. While these products do contain Gelatin, they are also packed with sugar, artificial sweeteners and artificial colors! Do not eat these foods as part of a health regimen. There are, however some great recipes for homemade healthy "Jello-like" treats]

Tea with Gelatin

Mix it in to a cup of chamomile tea by dissolving 1 Tablespoon of Gelatin in about 1/3 cup cool water and then adding 2/3 cup of warm tea.

4. Balance the Hormones

When it comes to health, hormones and gut bacteria have a much bigger effect than many people realize. In fact, these two factors can destroy health even if everything else (diet, supplements, etc) is optimized. Conversely, fixing hormones and gut bacteria can do a lot to boost health, even if not all the other factors are optimal.
Hormones are often a major cause of hair loss or poor hair growth and unfortunately, there can be many causes of hormone imbalance. This is also the reason for hair loss after pregnancy. Of course, some steps can be taken to improve hair while working to balance hormones. 
Stress and lack of sleep are two major contributors to hormone imbalance.
Here are a couple of tips for hormone balance:
  1. .Don’t eat fats like Vegetable oil, peanut oil, canola oil, soybean oil, margarine, shortening or other chemically altered fats. Choose fats like coconut oil, real butter, olive oil and animal fats (tallow, lard) from healthy sources instead and eat lots of high Omega-3 fish.
  2. Get 8 hrs sleep at night
  3. Limit caffeine
  4. Avoid Toxins : Toxins found in pesticides, plastics, household chemicals and even mattresses can contain hormone disrupting chemicals that mimic hormones in the body and keep the body from producing real hormones.
  5. Exercise with cardio and weight training
  6. Eat some coconut oil..if  you really need hormone help, aim to consume 1/4 cup of added coconut oil a day. My favorite way is to blend into coffee or tea.

5. External Hair Treatments

Though the major causes of poor hair quality and growth are internal, external treatments can help improve existing hair and prevent breakage.

Natural Hair Treatment

 To make, stir 1 tablespoon of Gelatin powder in to 1/2 cup of cool water until mixed. Add 1/2 cup warm/hot water, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey to create a thick gel/liquid. Pour into hair and massage through hair and scalp. Leave on for at least 5 minutes and rinse with hot water. Shampoo as normal.

Another great hair treatment is to mix melted coconut oil and honey and massage through hair. Leave on for at least 20 minutes and then wash normally. My favorite ratio is 4 tablespoons of melted coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. DO THIS BEFORE YOU SHAMPOO and then shampoo after.  Try not to rub this on your scalp, just on the hair....otherwise it is hard to shampoo it all out..just saying from a little experience ha ha  :D.