Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Utmost For His Highest - Daydreaming

Here is an excerpt from the latest installment of Oswald Chambers' series on Taking Initiatives.
From "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers
"Taking The Initiative Against Daydreaming"
February 20

"Arise, let us go from here" (John 14:31)

"Daydreaming about something in order to do it properly is right, but daydreaming about it when we should be doing it is wrong. In this passage after having said these wonderful things to His disciples, we might have expected our Lord to tell them to go away and meditate over them all. But Jesus never allowed idle daydreaming. When our purpose is to seek God and to discover His will for us, daydreaming is right and acceptable. But when our inclination is to spend time daydreaming over what we have already been told to do, it is unacceptable and God's blessing is never on it. God will take the initiative against this kind of daydreaming by prodding us to action. His instructions to
us will be along the lines of this: 'Don't sit or stand there, just go!'" ~ Oswald

To me, today's equivalent of daydreaming is spending time with our electronic gadgets! Whether it is our laptops, Smart phones, iPads, Kindles, etc. it all keeps us in a virtual world. Now there is a place and a purpose for all those things. We can spend some of that time on things such as studying God's word, communicating with others for Christian fellowship, and reading or writing Christian blog posts ;) But do we do that? I am guilty myself of reading too much for recreation and not enough for expanding my knowledge of God's word. Being the Publicity Coordinator for ISBC is certainly challenging me to use my downtime, my blessing of flexibility in my job and my skills with the computer for God's purpose! When God calls us to action we may use our world of lightning communication to plan things but when the time comes we need to learn not to overthink, overanalyze and overplan. We just need to go out and do what He tells us to do!

Beth Dishman
Publicity Coordinator, ISBC