Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Strawberry Time

Strawberries are a wonderful addition to your diet, and locally grown ones are available now.  Strawberries are on the dirty dozen list and you should try to buy the organic ones due to their high absorption of pesticides through the skins.  One of our local garden's has them at the farmer's market and they are healthy and the best tasting ones I have ever eaten!!  Check your local farmer's market for fresh strawberries.

So what do they do for you, you ask????

They are juicy and sweet, and they are a super food!  They are nutrient rich, and packed with antioxidants, and provide a wide range of health benefits!

Health Benefits
  1. They help build your immunity! One serving of strawberries contains 51.5 mg of vitamin C—about half of your daily requirement.
  2. Help prevent cancer.  Ellagic acid in strawberries has been shown to yield anti-cancer properties like suppressing cancer cell growth.  Strawberries also contain antioxidants lutein and zeathancins. Antioxidants are scavengers to free-radicals and neutralize the potentially negative effect they can have on our cells.
  3. Wrinkle Fighters.  Oh yes..give me lots!!  The power of vitamin C in strawberries continues, as it is vital to the production of collagen, which helps to improve skin’s elasticity and resilience. Since we lose collagen as we age, eating foods rich in vitamin C may result in healthier, younger-looking skinThey also contain that ellagic acid visibly prevent collagen destruction and inflammatory response—two major factors in the development of wrinkles in human skin cells after continued exposure to skin-damaging UV-B rays.
  4. Strawberries help fight bad cholesterol levels.  Strawberries contain flavanoids which counteract the effect of low-density lipoprotein, or LDL—bad cholesterol in the blood—which causes plaque to build up in arteries. A second way is that they provide an anti-inflammatory effect, which is also good for the heart.
  5. Decrease inflammation in the body.  The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in strawberries may also help to reduce inflammation of the joints, which may cause arthritis and can also lead to heart disease.
  6. Regulate Blood Pressure.  Potassium is yet another heart healthy nutrient, and with 134 mg per serving, strawberries are considered a medium source of it.  Potassium can help regulate blood pressure and may even help to lower high blood pressure by acting as a buffer against the negative effects of sodium.
  7. Add more fiber to your diet. Well that's pretty self explanatory..I will spare you the details here.
  8. Aid in weight loss.  Strawberries are naturally low calorie (around 28 cal per serving), fat-free and low in both sodium and sugar!
I love this time of year when they are fresh and locally grown.  Here are a few recipe ideas.
    Strawberry Freezer Jam with Truvia..SUGAR FREE  
    2 pints of fresh strawberries,
    2 T lemon juice 
    5 T of the no-sugar needed pectin 
    40 packages, or a little less than 1 cup of Truvia 
    1. Prepare your strawberries how you would like them (mashed, chopped,. or blended)and measure out 4 cups. 
    2. Add pectin and Truvia to a bowl and stir together. 
    3. Place the strawberries into the bowl with the pectin and Truvia and stir for 3 minutes. 
    4. Ladle jam into clean freezer jars and place in freezer or enjoy now. When filling the jars, leave about 1/2 inch head space to allow for food expansion during freezing. Freeze for up to a year or refrigerate now for up to 3 months.

Everyone eats peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter and banana..try peanut butter with just fresh strawberries.  I eat it on whole grain bread with natural peanut butter, without added sugar. 

What about some Greek yogurt with Truvia and berries for a great snack!

Strawberry Spinach Salad with just strawberries, spinach and toasted almonds!

Strawberry Smoothie only 45 calories!! You have to try this one!!!!

1 cup strawberries
2 packets of Truvia
1/4 cup water
Ice cubes

I put all these ingredients in my little Bullet and blend away..this is amazing!!!

Brandy Kisner, Health & Wellness Coordinator
ISBC Women's Ministry