Friday, September 21, 2012

ISBC Woman of the Week October 6th~ Janice Roberts

I am married to a minister and have seven sisters and eight brothers.

I feel that I am one of the most blessed people in the world. I was blessed to be born to Paul and Blanche Moody, who were two of the most dedicated Christians that I have ever known. My father was a minister and he and my mother always taught us to live to please God. They not only taught us, but lived the Christian life before us.

I became a Christian when I was 12 years old. I was saved in a revival that my father and Rev. Wrightly Salley were conducting at Bushong Chapel on Bloomingdale Pike. My life was wonderfully changed and I was never the same after that.

I met my wonderful husband, who is also my best friend, at church. Our first date was to attend a Christmas play at Pleasant View Church. We have been married for 41 years. Charles, my husband, was the last pastor of Glenwood Baptist and was instrumental in the merger between Glenwood and Indian Springs Baptist Church. He is the best thing in my life. God has blessed us with four children and eight grandchildren.

Even though I feel that I am very blessed, I am concerned about the state of our nation. God’s people need to be praying that our nation would return to God. Our leaders need our prayers. They have led us away from God by passing laws that dishonor Him. Our nation was founded on Christian principles by our founding fathers. They desired a nation that would honor Christ, not just some strange, impersonal “god”. For that reason, God has blessed America more than any other. It is so sad to see us turning our backs to Him.

We all need to pray for America. We need to be asking God for leaders that would fully trust in God to make our nation great again.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalms 32:11
~Janice Moody Roberts