Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rest, Relax, Come take a Load Off

Genesis 2:2   
And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.

It's very funny that I am posting this, because I don't do this very well at all.  I don't know why I have always felt like this, but I used to think relaxing was just being lazy.  If you know me, I can't sit still for a minute and resting to me is sleeping.  I always have a lot of irons in the fire and I over commit myself a lot.  So, here I am, posting on relaxing at 9:00 at night (not bad actually in this house).

Everything is in the Bible is there for a reason,  This verse tells us that after labor and working, that God rested.  God didn't have to rest, He is God.  So, why is He resting?? He rested and He tells us that He rested for our benefit.  After all, we are to strive to be like Him.  He rested after working.  So resting isn't about being lazy, it's about working hard and then taking the time to sit back and rest.  Resting isn't sleeping, it's taking a break from all your hard work and enjoying life, God's creations, your family, whatever it might be that helps you to relax.

Resting benefits your body.  The human body must rest to repair itself, it can't go long without resting itself.  Relaxation is perhaps the single most important key to health and well-being. It is the antidote to stress which is known to contribute to the development of disease. When we relax, our body has an opportunity to unwind.

Benefits Of Relaxing:


  • gives the heart a rest by slowing the heart rate
  • reduces blood pressure
  • slows the rate of breathing, which reduces the need for oxygen
  • increases blood flow to the muscles
  • decreases muscle tension

As a result of relaxation,  you get:

  • more energy
  • better sleep
  • enhanced immunity
  • increased concentration
  • better problem-solving abilities
  • greater efficiency
  • smoother emotions — less anger, crying, anxiety, frustration
  • less headaches and pain
Relaxation techniques are taught in the hospital setting, especially in the cardiac unit.  Slower breathing decreases your heart rate and blood pressure and helps improve healing.  Do you know what else has the same effect on the body? PRAYER! Well, how great is God! It's just so amazing to see how His instructions throughout the bible all work together for our good.
So, I am trying to relax more myself and not think of it as being lazy.  I first visited a spa and had a massage when Chad and I went to Jamaica.  Yes, it's true, I thought it was totally lazy to go to a spa and be still and quiet and be restful.  Since that trip, Chad and I both have tried to have more down time, have "no worries" as they say, and try to relax more.  This world is so busy with all of our electronic devices and activities, we all need some planned relaxation!
Go rest, relax, go to the spa..work hard, then rest and enjoy!