Monday, September 10, 2012

The Heart of a Servant

"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me."  Matthew 25:40 NASB

The word servant often elicits a mental image of someone in a uniform who waits on another person hand and foot. This person gives of themselves daily to meet the needs of their master, whatever it takes. In the church, we often hear of someone having a servant's heart, meaning that a person who has a servant's heart is always willing to do something for someone else. They want to extend a hand in any way they can.

How many of us have a servant's heart? Are we ever on alert for ways to lighten another person's burdens? Do we look for ways that we can minister to other people, or are we so selfish with our time or over committed that we don't or can't do anything?

Jesus tells us that any time that we do something for another person, it is the same as doing something for Him. No matter how insignificant an act of kindness that we extend may seem to us, it can have a powerful impact on the person who is on the receiving end.

Sometimes I believe that we think if we can't do something big, then we shouldn't do anything at all. That's just not true! You don't have to cook an entire meal for someone who is sick, or just home from the hospital, is injured, or just had a baby. You can stop by and pick up something that is already prepared and take it to them, or even a pot of soup is very thoughtful and appreciated. If cooking isn't your thing, how about taking a basket of goodies, such as a book, movie, magazine, candy, bath products, anything that can give them an emotional lift and let them know you are thinking about them. In this age of e-mail, it's nice to receive a note of encouragement, but even better is to receive a hand-written note in the mail. How about a phone call? Talking to someone may help them not to feel lonely.

There is a great opportunity for service coming up next Sunday afternoon/evening. Our annual Fit for the King 5K Race/3K Walk/Kids' Run/Kids' Dash is at Warrior's Path State Park. When I say "our", I mean that this is a Women's Ministry sponsored event. We need your help! We need volunteers to hand out cups of water to the runners and walkers as they pass the 1st and 2nd mile markers. We need volunteers to stand around Duck Island to monitor the children for safety as they run around the island in the Kids' Run. We need people who will take a few minutes to monitor the inflatables while the children play and the parents run.  We need people along the race route to guide the participants in the way to go. We need those who will sell t-shirts and cookbooks, and give out race packets. How about coming out to stuff race packets next Saturday morning from 10:00-12:00 at the SAC?
Call me this week if you will "do unto the least of these", all the while serving the Lord. 292-9418.

You don't have to wear a uniform to have a servant's heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to be aware of needs of those around you. He will bring them to your attention, and He will help you to know how you can meet their needs. Always remember that anything you do, do as unto the Lord, because you are!

Pam Archer, Director
Women's Ministry