Friday, September 7, 2012

WOW~ ISBC Woman of the Week Sept 7~ Margaret Cowan

My name is Margaret Cowan. I was raised in a Christian home, but chose to reject Christ. When I decided to get married, I didn’t ask God for guidance and chose the man I thought was right, and not who He knew was right for me. He turned out to be an abusive-alcoholic that could not hold a job.

God used the hard times to bring me to my knees. I was saved in April, 1972, when I was 28 years old and had four young children. After I was saved, life got harder but I had peace in my heart. In 1980 I left my husband and was divorced in 1981. In October 1983, I went on a blind date with Lee Cowan and we were married on January 28, 1984, at Indian Springs Baptist Church. God has blessed us so much.

Working together for the Lord, we have had the opportunity to go on several foreign missions, prison ministries, and even going on mission trips with our youth to help with food preparation. We also work together in food services and the baptistery ministry. If you come through the children’s department on Sunday mornings, I am there to greet you and give you a bulletin.

We are blessed to have several family members here with us at Indian Springs:  my sister, Thelma, and her husband Jim; my sister, Joyce, and her daughter, Becky; my daughter, Karen, her husband, Michael and their children; my son, Glen, and his wife Michelle and their children.

I feel very blessed to be a part of this church family working together for the Lord, Jesus.

Your sister in Christ,
Margaret Cowan

~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator