Monday, October 1, 2012

He Never Lets Go

We read about it, talk about it, sing about it, share wise sayings on Facebook and Twitter, and post scripture about it. Faith

To have faith in something or someone means that we believe in it and trust in it. Faith is easy when things are rocking along and going our way. It's a little tougher to walk it out when life hits you square in the face. At times like these, we need to be able to trust what we have faith in. For me, it is the Lord, Savior, Jesus Christ.

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes we see them coming and sometimes we are taken by surprise, and other times we see them coming, but like a bad storm they are upon us sooner than expected. This is what has happened in my life this week. 

I knew the day would come when I would have to close my business. I was planning for it to be a few years from now, when I was ready to retire, but the storm clouds started to gather about mid-week and it was evident by the weekend that I had no choice but to shut down my corporation. I have invested many years in building the business, but it is no longer profitable, so we were forced to make the decision, effective immediately. God has closed the door.

Along with the storm came a flood of emotions. So much time, effort, and love has been invested. It feels as if the past 25 or so years are being wiped away. It's a hard hit! What now? Where do I go from here? I have to have income. The bills go on. I'm not a young woman anymore, so my options are limited. I feel overwhelmed, yet I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God will take care of me. He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. He has always been faithful to me, and I know I can trust Him. I have faith in Him and I can stand on His promises to those who love and follow hard after Him.

Today is a very hard day for me. I will need prayer as I walk through the process of disconnecting my phone, shutting down a website and blog that I have invested hundreds of hours building, and taking care of many other details that are required. What helps is knowing that I am being obedient to my husband and doing what God wants me to do. God honors obedience.

One of my daughters asked me what I felt that God was speaking to my heart about the future. Honestly, He is being very quiet. I have no idea what He has planned for me. There will be something for me to learn from the quiet. I don't want to miss it.

How about you? Have you placed your faith in Christ? He will never let you down or let you go! I cling to the promises and sing this Jeremy Camp song, "You Never Let Go"

Pam Archer, Director
ISBC Women's Ministry