Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How To Avoid Illness and Stay Healthy

Romans 5:3-4  "More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope."

Is it strange that I use this verse as I am going to tell you how to prevent illness? Yes and No. My husband and I took the boys on a surprise trip to Disney this long weekend while they were out of school. We only had two days to do the parks quickly. They haven't been since one was 18 months and one was 5, so this was a big deal. We decided to do it right, stay with the monorail, get the dining plan, go all out for a weekend. THEN.....day two, Joseph, my 12 year old becomes very ill, and has lots of vomiting, and ends up in the Disney clinic. That night, I start with the fever ( I already had stomach upset but was thought it was sympathy pains). That next morning (early morning, might I add) Jacob starts vomiting. The clinic said it was food poisoning. That is still questionable in my mind, because there were so many sick people down there. It made me think it was viral. 

At first, I was so mad! I had 2 days and paid all this money and was so excited for them, just to get poisoned by the place we so longed to go! We only got to go to the parks one day and we lost lots of meals we paid for that were never eaten. I was so upset and frustrated; I was ready to throw my sparkling Mickey ears across the desk at the lady while cancelling a Chef Mickey character breakfast. The others around me were making them and I was mad at them too. And then, the voice came. The one that brings you tears and reminds you.. "It's not about you, or the boys, or your plans, they are Mine." I truly believe that all things happen for a reason. It's so easy to tell others that, but when it happens to you, that voice of God has to tell you that. Sometimes, with me, I think He shouts it a few times before I listen. I tried to figure it out. Maybe we would have gotten some kind of horrific injury on a ride. Maybe he saved us from something much worse, like a monorail crash or a bus accident. Maybe by reporting the illness to Disney, we saved some little baby from the illness who would be hospitalized from the event. I have thought of all kinds of reasons to make my mind at ease. I really don't know the reason, because the reason isn't mine. So, I am trusting that God is building our endurance and our character like He promises through our sufferings.....after all..It’s not about me.

That's my little lesson that I got taught this weekend. As for advice on prevention of illness, there are many tips to keep your body strong and healthy, so it can fight the battle. Notice in my above story, Chad is still well and I just had a touch of something. I attribute that to all the prayers of all our friends and family that knew what was going on, and to our healthy lifestyle on a daily basis. Yes, my kids have a healthy lifestyle too, but they are small with a less than mature immune system. making them more susceptible to illness when it enters in the body.

For many people around the world, the flu and cold season is in full force. While the days become shorter (for those of in the southern hemisphere) there is less sunlight and thus warmth. As a result, we miss out on adequate vitamin D and tend to indulge in heavier meals and more food - not necessarily always making the healthiest choice.

Also, many people suffer from seasonal depression as a result of shorter days; this increases stress while depleting our body’s ability to fight off infection – one of the reasons why so many get sick this time of year. Despite all the colds and flu floating about, we all have the ability to avoid catching them if we take the time to strengthen our immunity through prevention.

10 Tips To Avoid Illness


1. Always ensure that you're eating a diet of whole foods (mainly raw).

By giving your body what it needs (i.e. vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutriets), it has a greater ability to produce the necessary t-cells and white blood cells to ward off any foreign invader.

2. Get plenty of rest.

It is important to get your proper sleep. Some require more than others, but generally speaking, 7-8 hours for most is sufficient. Proper sleeping patterns give your body the ability to recharge; contributing to a stronger defense system so the body does not have to work so hard in keeping a foreign bacteria or virus out of the body.

3. Ensure that you keep exercising.

Our body is designed to move. In order to keep our internal organs functioning properly, we must ensure that we are assisting them in their job of eliminating waste and waste by-products. Exercising assists our body’s ability to rid toxins from our body much faster and improves the overall performance of our cardiovascular, muscular, and skeletal systems. It is also important to note that our lymphatic system is a very slow moving system; so moving at least 1 hour each day can help keep the fluids within this system moving, keeping the ducts clean and efficient.

4. Provide your body with an extra boost of nutrients.

It is not only essential to eat well, but we also must make sure we are receiving adequate supplementation. Increase your intake of vitamin D and C, zinc, magnesium, and a good quality vitamin B complex. Also ensure that your getting grounded to the earth and adding plenty of garlic, onions and mushrooms to meals.

5. Try to stay home as much as you can.

Avoiding illness can be as simple as staying put in your own home. It is important to avoid area such as pharmacies where you can easily come into contact with air borne pathogens from people waiting in line. Also, ensure that you make your best efforts to keep your hands clean – most bacteria and virus are spread through direct contact. Use hand sanitizers when you are in public areas this time of the year.


6. Stay away from the sugar (all forms, especially processed).

You have heard it before from me!! As 70-80% of your immune system resides in your intestines, it is important to keep them functioning properly. Sugar inhibits phagocytosis, the process by which viruses and bacteria are engulfed and then literally chewed up by white blood cells. The immune suppressing effect of sugar starts less than thirty minutes after ingestion and may last for five hours. That’s a long time to experience a glitch in your immune system, especially if you’re considering going into public places where there are sure to be germs all around. One of the area pediatricians has said this for years and people get so mad at him when he tells them not to let their kids eat any sugar while they are sick.

7. Avoid consuming processed foods.

Processed foods have little to no nutrient value. They usually do more harm than good to your body. By eating primarily processed/packaged foods, one becomes malnourished; this in turn weakens your immune system. Not only are processed foods void of any nutrients, they also have a host of unhealthy additives and preservatives which can further suppress your immune system from functioning properly.

8. Keep your stress levels down.

Too much stress in one’s life severely suppresses one’s immune system. Wherever possible, try to engage in some light stretching or yoga, or simply practice some deep breathing techniques to bring down your cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

9. Antibiotics should be used as a last resort.

Everything has its use, although some things tend to get abused. Ensure that you have exhausted all natural remedies possible before considering the use of antibiotics. If you have no other choice, make sure to follow-up your treatment with a good quality pro-biotic supplement to replenish the good bacteria in your gut as antibiotics both kill good and bad bacteria when ingested.

10. Avoid overworking yourself.

When we enter the fall and winter seasons, it is important to adjust our activity levels as well. Generally speaking, we should reduce our activity levels as we are supposed to rest more in the fall and winter months.

As I typed these tips for you, I laughed at myself. I wonder why we were sick at Disney. All these rules went out the window for a long weekend and thus we ended up sick. We were around lots of people during the start of illness season. We were cramming a week trip in to 2 days. We were lacking sleep from getting up early and staying up late. We ate foods that are processed and prepared ways we aren't used to, and couldn't find much to eat raw, like fruits and veggies. We counted walking around the park as "exercise". All of the lines and crowds and waiting for buses and rides definitely increased our stress levels. We disobeyed all of my own rules. I just thought I would share that with you all. Hopefully we will all be back to normal soon and next time, yes there will be a next time since we have to make it up to them, we will do things differently to avoid illness. Whatever the reason, we ended up sick and God was glorified somehow and some way through this process.
Brandy Kisner
Health & Wellness Coordinator