Friday, October 19, 2012

ISBC WOW! Woman of the Week October 19 ~ Jan Maiden

I was born on August 29, 1955 in Bristol Memorial Hospital. I graduated from Sullivan Central High School in 1973, East Tennessee State University in 1977 with a Bachelors Degree in Music Education, and in 1988 from Tusculum College with a Masters of Arts in Teaching. I taught in the Sullivan County School System for 30 years as Choral Director and General music teacher at Blountville Middle School. I retired in 2007, but I substitute and am currently the In-School Suspension teacher at Blountville Middle. I have been a member of the Bristol Concert Choir, and I teach private piano and voice.

Our family joined Indian Springs Baptist in February of 2006. I have been active in the Sanctuary choir, pianist for the Senior Adult Choir, the hand bell choir, as a counter, and Young Adult Sunday School teacher. I have also taken several Precept Bible Study Classes which have helped me to grow so much in the Lord's Word.

I have been married to Ken Maiden for almost 33 years, and we have one daughter, Stephenie. Stephenie was a miracle baby as I lost two babies to premature birth and suffered one miscarriage prior to Stephenie's arrival. We had a little boy, James, and a little girl, Kelley. While pregnant with Stephenie, I was put on complete bedrest. I was hospitalized at Johnson City Medical Center at 28 weeks for premature labor under the care of high-risk doctors and nurses. Each night, before I fell asleep, I thanked the Lord for each passing day. Each day brought her closer to term and to being born healthy. The Lord was so close to me during this time. I could feel His loving arms around Me as He would assure me that everything was fine. Trust Him, and I did.

Over the years, I have had many losses. First, my children, and then two beloved brothers. Although during these times, God has been my rock. Although I didn't understand the why of those times, I knew God was in control. He is the Master Designer of all things. I take great comfort in the word of God, and I know this world is not the end. My loved ones are waiting for me--with Jesus!

~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator