Monday, October 15, 2012

Progressive America

America is a progressive nation. Think back over the past few decades and the changes are easy to spot. From food products to technology, we have found better, faster, and smarter ways to do things. Change isn't bad, in and of itself, but progress isn't always good.  

I was born in 1950. We didn't have a lot of the modern conveniences that we have today. Television was brand new, most people didn't have one, and there were only two or three channels. We didn't have dishwashers or food processors. There were no punchy-punchy things like mobile phones or iPads. There were radios, but no ipods. The 8-track tape hadn't even been invented, much less the cassette or CD. We had telephones, many of whose lines were shared with a number of other people in the neighborhood. They were called party lines. Life was pretty simple waaaaaaaaaaaaay back then. 

Not only have things changed, but they are changing at warp speed. The expensive Smart Phone you bought last week will be outdated by next week. Two years ago, nobody had even heard of a Smart Phone. The fashions you wore last year look tired this year. Even the wall color you painted your living room only a couple of years ago has been replaced with a newer shade or color palette. We are living life in the fast lane, on a speedy trip to where?

Things aren't the only things that have progressed. People's thinking and ways of doing things have changed. Progress isn't always what it is cracked up to be. Many of our conveniences have had an impact on our economy. They have put many people out of work. For example, electronic mail (e-mail) has replaced a hand written note or card. On-line payment systems have replaced snail mail of bills. As a result, many of our post offices are closing, leaving postal employees without a job. In the name of convenience, we have shot ourselves in the foot.

We've changed in other ways, too. We have become progressive alright. In the following statements, consider if we have progressed:

  • We have progressed to accepting sexual activity outside of a marriage relationship as being okay.
  • We have progressed to music that contains lewd lyrics and lyrics that promote physical violence, perversions, and sexual promiscuity.
  • We have progressed to the point that we no longer monitor what our children see or hear. we play it for them! We even applaud and laugh when young children pose in sexy poses for pictures, or dance lewdly to ungodly music.
  • We have progressed to a point that it seems no big deal to go to a movie that is full of nudity, profanity, and violence.
  • We have progressed to TV programming during prime time that includes nudity, violence, foul language, profanity, sexual promiscuity, and same sex romantic involvement.
  • We have progressed to killing millions of unborn babies. 
  • We have progressed to defiling the Biblical definition of marriage.

Aren't we something! 

What we have done is allow the world to desensitize us to immoral and impure thoughts, actions, and behaviors. We've come to accept things that the Bible strictly warns us about. That isn't progress. That is abomination!

II Timothy 3: 1-5 "You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!"

We are living in the last of the last days. God is calling his people to godliness, not worldliness. He is calling us to accountability. He is calling us to action! He tells us to be holy, set apart. We cannot condone or be involved in these things and say we are living for Jesus.

I like what our pastor says. "You look and sound just like your daddy. Who's your daddy? Is it God or Satan? You can only have one daddy."

We must stand firm on what God's word tells us, but first, we have to know what it says. 

II Timothy 3: 16-17 goes on to say, "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work."

America has progressed alright. It has progressed and is progressing quickly to a fall. We have an election coming up. We must be in prayer daily about our choices. We have an obligation to stand with candidates that adhere to Biblical teachings, who stand for what God says is right. We cannot compromise.

Are you seeking truth? Do you study your Bible daily? Let me challenge you to do so. The Holy Spirit will begin to open your eyes to things you never saw before. Every day is a new discovery on your journey to freedom and light. It only takes a few minutes. You will be blessed!

Pam Archer, Director
ISBC Women's Ministry