Saturday, October 13, 2012

WOW! October 12th-Kathy Wagner

Kathy and John Wagner

I was born in Watertown, NY and lived in the little hamlet of Harrisville, NY (about 40 miles NE of Watertown). When I was 5 years old my parents died as the result of a car accident. My sister and I moved to a dairy farm in Kingsport, TN, to live with our mother's sister and family. How the Lord prepared me for this is another whole story. I started calling my aunt & uncle “new” mom and dad and my birth parents were “old” mom and dad. Very shortly the new and old were left off and it was Mom and Dad, and my birthmother & birthfather.

While sitting in Sunday School about a year after moving here, my teacher shared the plan of salvation with us. She asked if any needed to ask the Lord to be their Savior. I realized I was a sinner but I was scared to raise my hand and sat there waiting...on what I do not know. Finally my teacher said that we didn't have to pray that prayer there in church, we could pray it at our own homes. Sitting at home that afternoon, I asked the Lord to be my Savior.

Every morning, Daddy would come up from the milking parlor and read Scripture and pray with us before we left for school. When Mother would let us off at the school, she would remind us she loved us and then the very last words she would say were, “Remember to Whom you belong.”
I attended Bancroft Bible Camp for at least one week every summer. When I was 13 and able to attend Youth Week, I met this 15 year old named John Wagner.

After graduating from high school, I attended Bryan College (named for William Jennings Bryan) in Dayton, TN. From there I earned my Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. I taught for a few years at a Christian school here in Kingsport and then worked for an office furniture company. While working at this office furniture company, John and I began to think of each other as more than friends.

John has been a member of ISBC since the early 1990s. So when we married in 1998, I moved my membership to ISBC. The church in which I grew up was a very small church and had an all girl youth group. It was very exciting (and still is) to see both teenaged boys and girls actively participating in the church.

Since coming to ISBC, I have had the privilege of teaching children's Bible study classes, serving in AWANAS, working in the nursery, playing in the orchestra and being one of the children's leaders for the summer Precept studies. It is so very exciting to see children's eyes opened when they realize they can study God's Word for themselves!

One of my favorite passages of Scripture is Psalm 121. “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even for evermore.” (KJV)

Submitted by Kathy Neal
Communications Coordinator