Thursday, October 11, 2012

Resisting the Prowling Lion

Woman Holds Her Hands

Recently I was talking with my dear friend Nicole.  We were talking about problems and hurdles that we have in life.  I made the statement, "If I didn't have problems I wouldn't have any problems!"  She replied, "Well, if it wasn't that - Satan would be using something else."   My reply, "oh, you're so right." But then, later on it really began to hit me.  All around I see broken marriages, broken hearts, broken homes, broken dreams, broken..broken..broken.   It was what I call an "ah-ha" moment. That moment where something clicks.

The Bible tells us that Satan "prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8)  But right before that warning it says "be of sober spirit, be on alert."   I realized in my "ah-ha moment" that if Satan is going to be prowling around in something I would much rather it be in my problem than in my marriage, my family, my health, or.. who knows. The "great deceiver" will use anything! As we look around at people in life, and see some of the terrible things going on, whether on the news, in the newspaper, your friends and families burdens.. it certainly can make yours seem, well... not as big. Then we are more thankful that our problems are just...that one.

1 Peter 5:9 goes on to say "But, resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are be accomplished by your brethren who are in the world". Verse 10 - "after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you."

If you were to resist a physical attacker, what would you do? Me?  I'd look like a crazy lady screaming, kicking, etc.  I certainly wouldn't stand and take it!

Think about that phrase; "Firm in your faith".  When something  is firm it's tight, it's held together, strong.. "in your faith"; that's believing God, a knowledge of something bigger, unseen; believing He is who He says He is, and will do what He says He can do.. Faith. God is not a mere sinner, a man. He is the Righteous, Holy, Loving, Gracious, All knowing, Sovereign God.

After a while, God Himself will perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.. Wow! God Himself will perfect me. Strengthen me. Wow!

Sometimes we just need to shift our focus, and realize that these sufferings, these things we go through.. they are known by God.

Hebrews 11, I came to in reading this week, I thought "Oh, read this one.. lets just go on.. The Hall of Faith..." But, that still small voice.. Read it. There is more. So as I read, words began to pop off the page.. I won't go into all the details but, take a few minutes and open your Bible and read it.. Here's what I got, these are the words that just stood out: FAITH, IS THE ASSURANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR, BY FAITH WE UNDERSTAND, BY FAITH WE OBTAIN, AND ARE PLEASING TO GOD, WITHOUT FAITH IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM, BY BELIEVING HE IS AND HE IS A REWARD OF THOSE WHO SEEK HIM BECOME AN HEIR OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, BY FAITH SARAH RECEIVED, ABRAHAM RECEIVED, DID NOT PERISH, BY FAITH CONQUERED, PERFORMED ACTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, OBTAINED PROMISES, ESCAPED THE EDGE OF THE SWORD, FROM WEAKNESS BECAME STRONG, AND RECEIVED BACK (VS 40) BECAUSE GOD HAD PROVIDED SOMETHING BETTER FOR US, SO THAT APART FROM US THEY WOULD NOT BE MADE PERFECT.

This is so true for us, all by faith...we are able.

~ Jeni Morelock