Monday, October 8, 2012

Temptation 101

"If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.  The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience.  And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptations to be more than you can stand.  When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure." - I Corinthians 10: 12-13, NLT

We all are faced with temptation. Satan knows exactly the areas of our life where we are weak and he uses this knowledge to his advantage. Some call temptation an attack by Satan, and it is spiritual warfare, that's for sure. But, if we were feeling attacked, we would turn and run. Satan is much too cunning for that. He is very subtle in his approach. He presents the temptation as something good, a beautiful thing. The temptation is something we desire at the most human level. We think we need it or that it wouldn't hurt us, but this is a lie. Satan makes many promises to us through temptation, but he does not deliver on those promises. His intent is to bring us down. The question is, do we allow him to bring us down to the pit with him or down to our knees in repentance to God?

I've learned a few things from personal experience:

  1. Temptation arrives at your doorstep when you least expect it. The scripture above says it best when it says that you think you are standing strong. Be aware! When you think you have it all together and nothing will ever tempt you away from your fellowship with God, BAM! Satan has been saving up for you. Something or someone will come knocking at the door of your senses. It will appear sweet and savory...and harmless, just as the fruit in the garden of Eden. You will either entertain it or close the door on it. There are no other choices. If you entertain it, or play around with it, it will grab hold of you and you will spiral deeper into it. No good ever comes from it, and there will be consequences.
  2. Temptation arrives at your doorstep when you are vulnerable. We all go through hard times, times that we aren't strong. It could be a terrible loss, or other heartbreak. We get tired from the things that life throws our way. All marriages go through valleys, times when you don't feel as close to your spouse, or you aren't receiving the attention that you need. Satan is very proficient at wedging his way in to those situations. He is always "prowling about, seeking someone to devour." Maybe you see something you have wanted for so long, but couldn't afford. Satan presents the opportunity to purchase it, so you go for it without praying about it. Soon, you find yourself over your head in debt. He loves to do that, too! Is food your weakness? This is an area that we tend to dismiss as hunger, when in reality, it is gluttony that leads to health issues. Satan loves to destroy our bodies, and try to take away our strength, so that we can't be as effective in our work for the Lord.
  3. Temptation arrives at your doorstep when you allow yourself to be in the wrong place at the right time. Yes, I stated that correctly. You know you shouldn't go to certain places, or be with certain people, or watch certain things, but you do it anyway. Before you know it, you have succumbed to Satan's trap. We can't take this lightly. We have to be on high alert at all times and make up our minds beforehand that we are going to avoid those places,people, and enticements.
  4. Temptation arrives at your doorstep when you have been lax about studying God's Word and not communicating to Him through prayer. Studying God's Word helps us to confront Satan and stop him in his tracks. When we know what the Bible says about specific things, we can use that knowledge to say NO. When we stay in the Word and "pray without ceasing", we are equipped to handle anything Satan tries to bombard us with. This doesn't mean that we are like monks who isolate themselves. To pray without ceasing means to be in an attitude of prayer and talking to God throughout our day. I talk to him when I'm washing clothes, making the bed, while typing this, anytime and all the time. When I don't, I feel empty and separated from him. If I go a couple of days without reading my Bible, I feel the same way. I need that fellowship with him and for him to speak to me through his Word. So do you!
When Satan comes knocking at your door, you have a choice to invite him in or send him on his way. We all encounter temptations. being tempted is not sin. It's when we act on the temptation that it becomes sin. Like anyone else who comes to our door trying to sell us a bill of goods, we must be firm in saying no and close the door. If you allow Satan to step inside the house, you must immediately sweep him out the door, or there will be consequences.

Stand firm, stay the course, and arrive safely at your destination.

Pam Archer, Director
ISBC Women's Ministry