Friday, November 23, 2012

ISBC WOW! ~ Woman of the Week Nov 23 ~ Janie Harvey

I have written a little something about myself and my family more than 5 times now and my computer keeps locking up or I lose my internet and I am very frustrated, and that for me is normal. I try to deal with my frustrations and tribulations with prayer and go on faith and wonder what lesson I am not getting so that I can quit going around and around in the wilderness.

 I think we each are given talents that make us the right person for that right job. I have found my talent to be a critical eye, quick sense of humor, saying what I am thinking out loud, and the inability to ignore. I cannot ignore or block out sounds, sights, or activities around me. These are, for me, distractions. But these things that distract me are that things that keep me super aware. If I knew for sure what it meant, I would think I represent a paradox.

My husband, Dexter and I live on Memorial Blvd in the path of impending road improvements. We have lived in this location for 32 years and have been blessed with good neighbors and nice surroundings. In that time we have raised 2 sons, Deryk and Shane. Shane is married to Heather and they have 2 sons, Maison and Jolan. Deryk's son Dylen has come to live with us. I love watching the children grow and learn, and I especially like watching Dexter take care of them. He really enjoys it and is extra good with babies, perhaps because he is number 13 of 14 children. It is in this area of my life, my family, that I am truly blessed.

I met Dexter at Hiwassee College the first weekend that I was there. We knew we liked each other immediately. I am thankful daily to have someone in my life who can see the positive side of people and of life. After Hiwassee, I continued my college education in the nursing program at ETSU. I do not know why I chose nursing. I did not have a life-long desire or feel a calling to be a nurse. I loved numbers and accounting, and rocks and caves, and leaves and trees, and learning and individual tutoring. And I had and still have, a great love for the American Indian and would love to live or work among them. Nursing uses some of my interests, but, I have realized that my job offers me many opportunities to give of myself and my talents to others during a true time of need.
I continue to ask God daily to help me to allow others to see HIM in me and through me and to help me with the care of each patient. I know that it is only with His help that I have been able to be a nurse, for it is a very hard, stressful job that requires much skill.  I have been with Holston Valley now for 34 years and currently work in Same Day Surgery.

I grew up in Friendsville, Tennessee with 2 sisters and 1 brother. I loved climbing on rocks, hillsides, and roof tops. I loved hunting for fossils and exploring, riding bikes, and playing baseball in the fields. Dad loved to hold on to the old ways, so we had an outhouse.He was progressive too, so we had a shelf in the outhouse to hold our Reader's Digest. He bought us the classics from Compton Books to read in the house. All of us, with the exception of Mother, loved to read. Dad loved achieving records, so when we started going on summer vacations, we visited several Civil War Battle Sites, as many different states and their Capitol Buildings as we could manage,and several different beaches. I soon developed a love for hotel swimming pools and the ocean. Another record to which we aspired was perfect attendance. My sisters and I attended 12 years of school without missing a day. My brother only missed a couple of days. I imagine many other kids got to stay home sick, thanks to our endurance.

We rarely missed church either, and we attended a lot of church. I suppose like a lot of kids, I thought we went too much. We were of the Holiness faith and we had a lot of don'ts but we had great examples of faith and answered prayers. I loved the music and singing with the congregation. We sang many songs that had "parts".

Our family started attending ISBC after Shane went to church with a friend and got saved at the service that night. He wanted to continue going there and be part of the tremendous youth program. I truly believe that anyone who has a heart for a child is a special person and I appreciate all those involved with the youth at ISBC. Even though one of my grandma's attended The First Baptist Church of Friendsville, and I went with her sometimes, and loved VBS, I had some qualms at first because of the differences in the way we worshiped at my church. What I discovered was, although different, it was a great place to worship and we worshiped the same God. I recognized faith and the same belief in prayers- though I miss everyone praying aloud at once. I guess it just seems to make a stronger petition. And I guess it would not be hard to imagine that I do not mind shouting.

I have found all 3 ministers that have pastored at ISBC since we have been members to be true followers of Christ and to be God's messengers. I have enjoyed hearing all three. I also love the music. There is such talent within the church. The music specials are professional. There are many songs that I carry in my heart. My favorite hymn is No Never Alone. The words speak to God's promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. These are some of the words:

When in afflictions valley, I'm treading the load of care, The Savior helps me to carry, my cross when heavy to bear.

My feet entangled with briars, ready to cast me down, My Savior whispers His promise I never will leave thee alone.

He died for me on the mountain, for me they pierced His side. For me they opened the fountain,

The crimson, cleansing tide. For me, He's waiting in Glory, seated upon his throne.

My Savior whispers His Promise, I never will leave thee alone.

No never alone, no never alone, My Savior whispers His Promise, I never will leave thee alone.

~ submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator