Friday, November 9, 2012

ISBC Wow! ~ Woman of the Week Nov 9 ~ Vivian O'Dell

Hello!  My name is Vivian O’Dell and I’m excited to share with you a little about myself and my walk with the LORD.  I was born in Bristol, VA on January 17, 1958 into a wonderful Christian family and the name my parents gave me at birth was Vivian Elaine.  But, I am known by a few other names as well…”Bib”, “Mom”, “Grammy” and a “Child of God”.  I would like to share a little about my different “names” with you.

“Bib” comes from my childhood days.  When I was growing up, I had a cousin who just could not say “Vivian” correctly, so it came out as “Bibby or Bib”.  So, fifty-four years later, I’m still known to many as “Bib”.   My husband Dale and I have been married for 32 years and if you are around us very long at all, you will hear him call me “Bib”.  Christmas cards and birthday wishes to family and friends are usually signed “Love, Bib and Dale”.  But, that’s ok with me because the people that call me “Bib” know me very well!

Then there is “Mom”.  My children, Rachel and Josh (and my daughter-in-law, Amanda), are such blessings in my life.  I am so very proud of them and how they have grown-up to honor God and serve Him with their lives.  There is no greater honor in this life than to be called their “Mom”.  Because you see, the people that call me “Mom” know me very well!

The next name I’m known by is one of the most precious names of all…”Grammy”.  On January 6, 2012, our family was blessed with the birth of a little baby boy named Hudson.  He is so precious to our family and has brought us such joy over the past nine months. I just can’t wait to hear Hudson call me “Grammy” one day because when he calls me “Grammy” it will indicate that he knows me very well!

Finally, and most importantly, I am a “Child of God”.  Very early in my life, I realized my need of a Savoir and through the gift of salvation I became HIS child.  I surrendered my life to Christ and HE has blessed me in so many ways. HE has always been the constant source of strength and provision for me and my family.  We have seen some difficult days, as have all of us, but God has always been faithful.  My walk has not always been perfect, but God has been constant and I can truly say that I am a “Child of God” because you see, HE created me and HE knows me very well!!

In conclusion, we are all known by many different names.  But, make sure that one of the names that you are known by is a “Child of God”.  That is the name that will endure forever!!  

1 John 3:1    ”Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! ...”

~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator