Friday, March 29, 2013

ISBC WOW! Woman of the Week March 29 ~ Rachel Hall

Growing up, I attended Colonial Heights United Methodist Church. Starting in 6th grade, I became very active in my church's wonderful youth group. At Resurrection in Gatlinburg during my 7th grade year, I asked Jesus into my heart. I continued being very close to my youth group and church until I graduated high school. That summer, I went on the Chrysalis Walk and grew closer to The Lord than I ever had been. It was an amazing experience.

I attended college at ETSU. During my sophomore year, when I was 19 years old, I met a very special boy named Adam Hall. I was crazy about him but had no idea that he would become my husband!

I remember the first time Adam asked me to come to church with him at ISBC. It was the church's very first Sunday in their new building. I loved ISBC immediately and began attending quite often with Adam and his family.

Adam and I got married in 2008, and though I had been attending ISBC for quite a while, it was time to make it official! I joined the church and was baptized in July of that year.

I always knew I wanted to be a mother, and on November 24, 2010, God made that wish come true. Brady is now a spunky 2-year-old, and we are expecting our second little boy this summer!

I am a 6th grade Math teacher at North Middle School in Sullivan County. I always knew I wanted to become a teacher, and though middle schoolers can be very trying at times, I love working with them. My middle school years helped shape the person that I have become, and my hope is that I can help some of my students with the many important trials and decisions that they face every day.

My family (Adam, Brady, Mom, Dad, older sister, and in-law family the Halls) mean the world to me, and I love spending time with all of them! I have been blessed with an amazing family!

I am so thankful to The Lord for bringing Adam into my life and introducing me to the Hall family; I cherish each one of them. Meeting Adam also led me to become a part of ISBC, and I couldn't ask for a better church! I recently started serving in the nursery and have loved getting to know some women in the church better through that. I look forward to becoming more involved and getting to know many more of you!

~ Submitted by Jessica Poff
ISBC Women's Ministry
Events Coordinator