Proverbs 31:17
She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.
I know you are wondering, what is T-tapp exercise?? I am always researching and reading a lot of health related materials. I have come across many exercise programs along the way. I have tried all of them too. I like to find things that are "healthy" forms of exercise and are realistic for everyday life. I like exercise that is heart healthy and muscle building all at the same time....helping with everyday life such as carrying groceries, sitting up straight, making the core stronger and your heart stronger all at the same time. I have several favorites. Today, I want to tell you about one that is wonderful for all ages of exercisers and helps your body be it's best the way God created us to move and live.
It’s called T-Tapp, and it was designed by exercise physiologist/rehabilitative trainer Teresa Tapp. Teresa spent 18 years in the modeling industry where she helped models get back into shape after their pregnancies.
Having lost her mother to cancer when she was only five years old, Teresa went on to become a pre-med student who was studying the effects of exercise on cancer patients. Her professors were amazed at her grasp of different exercise philosophies, something for which Teresa credits God, saying He gave her the ability to create effective exercise routines that not only help get into shape, but also help relieve chronic pain and stress. “My professors would ask me where I would get some of my ideas on exercise and I would laugh because they didn’t believe that God had just given me the information to pass on."
She also suffered from scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and developed exercises that relieved her pain, moves that she eventually used on the models that would come to her for relief of chronic back pain caused by the unnatural poses they were often forced to hold for long periods of time for photographers.
Her program focuses on strengthening the core in order to stimulate the metabolism and work the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins from the body. As Teresa once described to Prevention Magazine: “T-Tapp’s “use of comprehensive, compound muscle movement combined with linear isometric, large muscle movement and lymphatic pumping can significantly increase cardiovascular rate without any jumping or use of weights yet deliver rehabilitative muscle strength to the spine, shoulders, hips and knees. . . . Most exercise programs only use isotonic movements, but in T-Tapp, I always work muscles with both attachments activated, as well as work 5 or more muscles at the same time. This type of maximized muscle movement enables the body to tighten and tone muscles with girdle strength developing muscle density instead of muscle bulk. Visible inch loss comes quickly – usually within 5 days. . . .”
Her workouts are touted for everything from firming up after childbirth to helping baby-boomers turn back the hands of time. She also incorporates practical nutrition advice into her program.
“God designed us so that when there is an upset in the balance, it effects our overall well-being. If we don’t get enough exercise, aren’t eating properly or are dealing with sickness it becomes difficult to pursue God’s best for our lives.”
The basic system truly only takes 15 minutes and while it takes a little while to get the coordination down, it isn’t physically straining, though it does get the heart rate up and stretch muscles!
The focus is on proper alignment and core muscle strength rather than high impact and endurance. I think many people can benefit from this system and that it is particularly valuable for anyone with adrenal exhaustion or medical conditions that prevent them from doing most physical activity.
The system basically involves doing a series of careful movements with a focus on posture and holding a particular form during the entire workout. The most “difficult” part of the workout is “hoe-downs” which really do raise the heart rate and which she has found to help regulate blood sugar levels, balance hormones and boost weight loss. As crazy as it sounds, I was amazed at how great they work.
Here is a clip of it and you can try it yourself.
She has a video that comes with the all her workouts that explains the workout and the movements and the principals behind them. It's pretty amazing, so watch that introduction!
I have several of her videos and love them all! It seems very easy when you are doing them, but you will notice you are sore in some weird places. She gives you tips on correcting your posture and walking with the correct alignment of the spine and knees. After just a few days of doing these videos, I could really tell my posture improved a lot! I ordered mine from her website. It comes with a guide to food and some other body wellness tips that I have been doing. Her diet is to eat foods God creates...hmm where have you heard that one??
Her products include:
- The Basic Workout Plus System (all you really need)
- The Total Workout System
- Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes (book)
If you struggle with weight loss, hormone problems, blood sugar, fatigue issues or joint pain, I’d definitely encourage you to try the T-Tapp system.