Tuesday, October 30, 2012

5 Quick Tips to Getting Healthy

Psalms 119:130
The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.

I know some of you have said to me that you don't know how to do it....you know, to be healthy.  It's too hard, it's too complicated, you hear too many conflicting reports about what is healthy anymore.    I am going to give you some simple easy steps.  God's desire for us, is to be healthy and feel our best, so we can carry out His missions that He has set out for each of us.  His instructions for health are easy and they are easy for us to follow...it's all about simplifying it down.  He wants us to eat what He created for us.  He wants us to work and get exercise physically.  He also has instructed us to get rest when we need it. All those tips are located in His word.

5 Quick Tips to Getting Healthy

 1.  Plan your meals

You know the phrase, "You are what you eat." ?  .  You must be prepared in advance and plan your meals and your families meal in advance.  Plan your recipes, shop and read your labels, and plan your meals and snacks in advance.  When you have no plan, this is where unhealthy options seem like the only way to get a meal.

2.  Get enough Sleep.

Everything seems easier with a good night’s sleep and with good reason… your adrenals are functioning better and you’ll get stressed less easily. Getting quality sleep is an important pillar of health, especially if you have any underlying adrenal, thyroid or endocrine issues. Catching ZZZZs is also the most ignored part of overall health in my experience, and unfortunately, you can’t out diet, out exercise or out supplement lack of sleep. Ignoring this one factor can have a serious negative impact on your health!

3.  Stick to the Basics

Eating a healthy diet doesn’t have to be complicated. A protein, healthy source of fat and vegetable make a meal and there are thousands of combinations..  Just read the labels, avoid ingredients that you don't know what they are.  It really is that simple.  If you have a recipe that you like, buy the ingredients for it by reading the labels on your items and make it healthy!

4.  Avoid the Worst Offenders

The best laid plans of mice and men…. It’s not always possible to eat completely healthy 100% of the time, especially when traveling or at other people’s houses. Try to avoid foods like grains, vegetable oil and sugar completely if you can, and don’t stress too much if you can’t eat a completely optimal diet all the time. My 80/20 rule comes into play here… sometimes the stress of avoiding certain foods is worse than the foods themselves. If you do indulge occasionally, aim for the healthiest option available and move on!

5.  Simplify Your Fitness

More isn’t always better! Save time and improve your fitness faster by optimizing the types of exercise you are doing. Consider ditching the treadmill or gym membership and take your simplified fitness routine outside!  I love to do videos that combine cardio and weight and stretching all in 30 minutes!  I do those 3 times a week and I'm done.

Brandy Kisner
Health & Wellness Coordinator