Monday, October 29, 2012

Define Beautiful

Mother Teresa
When you think of someone who is beautiful, what comes to mind? What is it about her that makes her beautiful? Is she tall, skinny, has perfect teeth and hair? Is there beauty in age, or is it reserved for the young? We all have pre-conceived ideas about what beauty is. Some of these ideas are drilled into our heads by the media, and by society. We think we have to be a certain size to be pretty. We think that a few wrinkles and scars ruin us forever. This is a lie straight from the pit!

I sometimes turn my Monday blog space over to someone else. Please do yourself a favor and read Beth Wayland's post today about Beauty. The post is beautiful and she defines beauty in a new and different light. I think it will cause you to think, and appreciate the beauty you have.

Click The Melodrama of Beth  to read it.

Have a beautiful and blessed week!

Pam Archer, Director
Women's Ministry