Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WMW - October 31st

The Women's Ministry Meeting and Coordinator Meetings that were scheduled for this Sunday afternoon have been cancelled, due to the Fall Festival.

"Sweet and Savory Holidays"

Tickets are now on sale for the WM Holiday Dinner at MeadowView on Saturday, November 17th.  Make plans now to attend this annual event. It will be the highlight of your holiday season!

You can purchase tickets between services and on Sunday evenings at both campuses, and during the week at either church office. The cost is $25.

Absolutely no tickets will be sold after Sunday, November 11th, due to MeadowView requirements of knowing a head count by Monday morning, the 12th.

Dinner Night OutNovember 12th, 6:00 pm at Panera Bread in Kingsport