Thursday, November 1, 2012


Mercy And Grace

Most of us have memories that have stuck with us for a lifetime.  Often it is a good memory!  But many times it is a "not so good" memory..... Maybe it's from yesterday, months, or even years ago. That certain person that did you wrong - very wrong.  Have you allowed that bitterness to build up in your heart so that it holds you back from receiving the richness of Gods mercy?

When the word "mercy" is mentioned, many of us tend to confuse it with "grace".  Just to clarify:
God's Mercy is NOT getting what we deserve.
God's Grace is getting what we don't deserve.

Perhaps that person in your life did something so hurtful to you that you still wear the scars in your life to prove it. It has caused you to have issues with trust, love, peace, and joy - the very things that the grace of God gives us. Maybe that person doesn't even know that you harbor these feelings of resentment.  It could be the smallest situation - a coworker you don't see eye to eye with, your nosy neighbor, your husband who didn't take out the trash, or your kids who forgot to walk the dog.. the list could be infinite.

The thing is, as we harbor these feelings, have these chips on our shoulder, or even create iceburgs (giving the cold shoulder), the Bible is clear that we have to forgive. One example: Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you" .  When Jesus sacrificed His life for your sin, He didn't show any partiality in doing it. He didn't hang on the cross, battered beaten and bruised saying 'Oh, wait.. now her sin, it was too bad - I just can't do this for her.' He did it, for you, for all of us.

So maybe in your mind right now, your're thinking, " but my situation is different - this person has hurt me more than once. I forgave them once but it's not going to happen again...".  Luke 17:4 "and if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times.. forgive him...."
seven times seventy times..."

God is not telling us that we have to run with open arms back into a harmful relationship, He is freeing us of the burden of not forgiving them. Christ stands there for us willing to take it off our hands, we just have to do the footwork.. give it to Him, and leave it with Him, by forgiving just as He did for us. Verse 3 in Luke 17 actually warns us of that very thing right before.. "be on guard!" That doesn't mean to turn around and put ourself in a situation for hurt again, but we must forgive.

Once we get past the forgiving part, Satan uses these little tactics to try and remind us of that thing, trying to plant it back on us... but take heed!  Forgive and forget.. be done with it... in prayer and supplication cast your anxiety on the Lord! He is able and willing!

Be merciful.. even though its not deserved.

~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock